Eliminate limescale
Save yourself time and money on cleaning

On average, we spend at least two weeks of every year cleaning the bathroom. That’s two weeks you could spend on holiday instead. Even if someone else does the cleaning for you, that time could probably save you enough money for a holiday.
Now add in all the time you spend cleaning the kitchen taps and sink or trying to get rid of limescale in the downstairs toilet and you can make even bigger savings.
Why go to all the effort of removing limescale when you could prevent it forming in the first place?

Eliminating limescale will also mean appliances like your washing machine, dishwasher, kettle and boiler have longer, happier and more efficient lives. While it’s easy to see the limescale that furs up your kettle and uses more electricity, it’s not so apparent elsewhere.
Limescale build-up inside your shower head reduces the water flow and leaves you standing under a light drizzle instead of a luxurious cascade. In your washing machine and dishwasher, drums, hoses, pipes, pump and the heating element are all affected by limescale, causing breakdowns and potential flooding.
Save yourself expensive repair bills and cleanup costs – eliminate limescale before it forms.

Washing your clothes in softened water saves between 25% and 50% on the amount of detergent you use in each wash.Your clothes will also last longer, as a water softener strips the abrasive minerals out of the water before it touches your washing. So they’ll stay brighter, whiter and softer for longer.
Washing-up liquid will go almost twice as far and you’ll need to put far less rinse aid in the dishwasher. Using less detergent has big benefits for the environment too, so you’ll be helping the planet as well as helping your pocket and that’s good news for future generations.
Book a demo to find out how to get rid of limescale and save time and money.